Moon Magnet Making Part 3 (Video)


Hello Moonbeams! This is the third and final moon magnet making video. I hope you’ve enjoyed having a look behind the scenes. I’ve had so much fun making these, and it was a great experience slowing it all down and thinking through my steps so I could share it with you. If you watch it until the end, you’ll see what I plan to do with these little cosmic bursts of love. And if you follow me on social media, you already know. ;-)

Thank you again for following along, watching, and reading. I’m not sure what will be next to share, but no doubt there’s an idea under the surface just waiting to spark. Video and transcript are below.

With love, as always, Jessica, Finley, and Pito.

(transcript below)

Hey Moonbeams! Moon magnet making video part 3. This video is all about the resin so stay tuned! So here is my spread, since I usually over mix my resin and make too much, I decided to get out some of my fun molds. And mix some colors, and maybe do some pieces for jewelry. You always need gloves, I have to wear gloves as this stuff is sticky as hell. You mix equal parts of Art Resin, stir until it’s about clear. And here everything has been poured, is looking so shiny and pretty. I cannot wait to see them when they are done. All of these crazy funky colors I mixed together to like I said, maybe make some jewelry. We will just have to see how they come out! As a way to fend off the inevitable bubble, I always get out my torch and safely hit these guys to make sure they don’t have any bubbles before I put them to bed for at least 24 hours. This is the most exciting part. It’s like Christmas every time I go to sleep with resin curing. And let’s just say that these guys turned out absolutely perfectly! No dust particles floated in, in the middle of the night. And no bubbles! I am so excited and so happy about these. If you’re still watching that means you made it until the end so I thank you. I appreciate it! So quickly as to not make this too long, what I’m going to do with these beautiful magnet babies, is I’m going to give them away. If you know anything about me free art is very, very, very important to me. That’s how Moondrop came to be in Atlanta so I make it my duty and my mission to give back to that. So as a way of introducing Moondrop to Cleveland, I’ll be dropping these at a Friday near you!