Life on Branches

Be as a bird perched on a frail branch that she feels bending beneath her, still she sings away all the same, knowing she has wings.
— Victor Hugo

I recently celebrated my 44th year on Earth and have been contemplating the idea of living my life out on branches. The shape, length, and strength of the branches change depending on the day and the situations I find myself in. Some branches I’m alone on, and others I’m with those I love and who love me. That analogy best describes how I’ve been feeling since I set sail. And to be honest, all of my life. I view the branches as life’s risks (and the challenge of remaining present for them/it). My branches include many a thing: career, love, friends, creating, travel, waking up in the morning. All of these things involve some sort of risk. And the word and notion of “risk” keeps popping up in my day to day. Now, what defines risk. Exposure to danger, hazard, and the chance of loss. Being on branches and taking risks is not unique to me as we all have our experiences and definition, but how I spend my time on these branches and my willingness to keep climbing out, stepping out, reaching, digging, and exploring even as I “feel them bending beneath me” is unique. It’s intimate, it’s me, it’s my humxn experience. And something I’m learning to love and accept about myself. The branches are the constant, the surfaces below are the variables. Sometimes a desert, sometimes a lush forest, sometimes an abyss, sometimes a dark night of the soul, sometimes a body of water, and sometimes the plushiest of pillows. Our life spent out on branches are what we make of it. Falling is inevitable. Living your most authentic life (in whatever way that looks for you) is optional.

I have a lot of photos to share this time around since I took a bit longer between posts. Below includes a solo visit to Abiquiu Lake and my time spent with Laura and Cheryl for my birthday. Together we visited Bandelier National Monument, Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs, Rio Grande Gorge, and ate lots of incredible food! So grateful for everyone who has met me here in New Mexico! It has been so incredibly special.

I have one more week here in this hauntingly beautiful place. More to come…

Jessica, Finley, and Pito

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