And we are off!

On Saturday, October 16th, the adventures officially began! What was a budding idea in mid May has become my reality. I moved out of my beautiful rental in Downtown Dayton’s South Park, and have packed my belongings into a storage unit near my mom in Northern Ohio. With her help, and the help of my amazing group of friends, this has become real. We had movers load my Uhaul in Dayton on Saturday, and today, Sunday, movers came to help unload into the storage unit. It’s. DONE!

HOWEVER! BUT! (There’s always a but, right?!) I have to take a hard and revisioning look at what I planned to pack in my car to bring with me along the way. While my cat and dog (El Principito and Finley) are non negotiables, a lot of my art supplies are. I had hopes and dreams of making my driftwood mobiles, Moonlights, and resin coated moons, and, and, and… but it’s just me on this journey, and my car is TOO FULL. Thankfully my first stop on the adventure is near and with family AND my storage unit, so these next few days I will try to cut my travel gear in half. Yep. Half. Less is going to be more. And freeing. It looks like I’ll be back to the basics. Which I kind of love. Watercolor and paper. That alone is enough.

What’s a blog post without photos! Here’s a few snaps from day 1 and the first hike Finley and I went on this weekend to kick things off. Yes it’s in my aunt and uncle’s neighborhood, but hey, it counts! Stay tuned if you’re so inclined, and follow along this journey with me over the coming months. I have no idea how much I’ll update. But update I shall.

Love, Jessica, Finley, and Pito

Dorkus me, my U-haul, and my big cheese as are we are about to unload into storage.

Dorkus me, my U-haul, and my big cheese as are we are about to unload into storage.

The real MVP, Momma! And poor Finley in her crate while the movers were doin’ their thing.

The real MVP, Momma! And poor Finley in her crate while the movers were doin’ their thing.

Beautiful shroomies for lookie no eatie.

Beautiful shroomies for lookie no eatie.

Our first fall hike to kick off the adventure. Finley also saw her first deer!

Our first fall hike to kick off the adventure. Finley also saw her first deer!