Moondrop on the Road

Oh hey, it’s me. Your resident witchy over thinker. I’m just here thinking thoughts about how I’m the freest I’ve ever been. Or well, freest that I’ve been *awakened to*. And I’m buzzing with the need to act on this total freedom. In this time and place I have a job that is 100% remote and 10,000% creative and soul fulfilling. I have my very own little art business that does pretty well in its own flow, I have no human children (just two furry ones), and am currently not romantically intertwingled (made that up). So the Universe is the limit. What in heaven will I dooooooooo?

Well, what I’ve decided to do is to travel via short term rentals (Airbnb specifically) for a few months. I’m starting off in Cleveland in October, then will be heading to Scaly Mountain, NC for the month of November! Those two are set in stone (aka BOOKED). I plan to return to Cleveland in December to reset, repack and spend the holidays with my family. After that, the plan is to head to New Mexico and explore my birth place for the month of January. Beyond New Mexico will be Utah for February. There will be other cities and states in between the longer stays to extend the travel between, and allow myself and my babies to rest (and not drive for 24 hours at a time). I am SO excited! I’ll be using this space, as well as my Instagram, to share my stories along the way.

I will not have a permanent home per se, but that’s part of this journey. I will definitely have a plan, and ten million lists on paper (in pencil), because that’s just me and how I like things. But, I know that there is always room for things to change (hence the pencil). And I welcome the magick of it all.

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