New Art Space (Video)


Hello! Prepare yourself, folx. Video number two here. Give me some grace as this is still very new to me. And enjoy the awkward movements, word salad, “ums” and “ands”, and all the unscripted goodness. ;-) As always, leave some love in the comments if you’d like. Below the video is the text version. Which was super silly to write after making this, and getting to see how speaking and writing are very different. Maybe next time I’ll write myself a script… but probably not. If you have no idea what’s going on or what this is, see the previous post and video. ;-)


Hey friendly folx and moonbeams! Video number two here. Welcome to my art space! This is the second time I’m going to be painting in this space since moving in. And I’m really excited to be painting again. I’m less excited about the act of painting, and more excited about the fact that I want to paint. [As you likely already know based on previous posts] I stepped away six months ago and started to travel. I shut down my shop and really didn’t make much of anything while on the road. I think I did five total paintings during that whole time. But, it was great because I wanted to connect with myself and the earth, and show up every day for what the Universe had in store. So as I said, I’m more excited to want to paint and make something.

I’m starting a new project for myself. Because I want to, not because I have to. Shocker, we have circles on paper! A little hint as to what it will be: I’m wanting to start it now because it’s a good time of year to start something that may take a few months to put together, and have it be ready in time to be released on a certain date. Cryptic, vague, and probably who cares. ;-)

Anyway, welcome to Moondrop Collective party of 1!

Jessica Mullis1 Comment