North Carolina Week 3

You need to let the little things that would ordinarily bore you suddenly thrill you.
— Andy Warhol

I read something funny on the Instagrams that said, “Think you’re healed? Spend a week[end] with your family.” (Or something resembling that.) And while that can be kinda true, and I can relate, I had a chuckle to myself thinking, “Think you’re healed? Head out into the unknown alone for a month.” It’s so interesting the things that come up when you place yourself in an unfamiliar environment and around unfamiliar people. The gist of it is, it’s freaking magickal, if you’ll allow it. The only way to move past fear and discomfort is through it. And the views can be incredible. The first week was a doozy, week two I got my sea legs, and week three has me in stride. I. Am. Loving. THIS. I have felt joy, freedom, and gratitude that often brings me to tears. Then again, I am a Cancer moon. ;-)

I only did two hikes this week because of weather and that’s just how I was feeling. BUT I also spent an afternoon with my host, Sandy, at an adorable vineyard south of us in Georgia. Her and I got to chat more about ourselves, our lives, our spirituality, and she introduced me to her diverse and completely lovely group of friends. Some of which are artists, musicians, and even QUEERS! The best part of this journey so far is not having a clue what to expect. I didn’t do a lot of research about the area before I came, and that has forced me to dig and explore every single day to see what and who is out there. Uncovering magick within myself, the people I meet, and the vistas I experience.

I did manage to catch the full blood moon partial lunar eclipse and it was so freaking beautiful. Of course my phone wouldn’t/couldn’t capture it, but I feel lucky to have been able to witness such natural magick. I also painted again! So, I’ll cut to the chase and share my week in photos (be sure not to miss my ode to Piggly Wiggly). The hikes are Glen Falls and Scaly Mountain. The vineyard is Tiger Winery and is owned and run by a mother daughter duo, the daughter, Lisa, being a 6th generation winemaker. It was super neat to get to hear her speak about her family, the vineyard, and their passion for wine, and jam out to live music by Sandy’s friends, the Rainbow’s End.

As always, thank you for joining me on this journey by reading and looking. I love comments, nice ones, and if you have any questions or loving words of wisdom, do share. Two more weeks here, then it’s home for the holidays. Stay tuned for next week’s post which will include this week’s happenings: Thanksgiving meal w/ my host and her friends, an afternoon with some old and amazing friends of mine (total locale kismet), and a visit to Sandy’s Unity Chapel this coming Sunday. I cannot WAIT.

Love, Jessica, Finley, and Pito

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